Friday, 29 April 2011

Song 11 - It's Always Something by Cage the Elephant
(the link is to a live video)

You many know this band by some more popular songs such as "Aint No Rest for the Wicked", "In One Ear", or "Shake Me Down". This song is my personal favourite though, whick is why I chose to share it instead of another more popular song. I find it's especially great sounding live. I don't know why but it sounds so much better than the album.

I know there's a lot of critique about CTE's live preformane. It's probably a 50/50 split. You either love Matt's flailing around or you think he looks like a complete idiot. I'm a lover! Why wouldn't you love someone getting really passionate and caught up in the music? It looks like the crowd is having a lot of fun with it too. I've always liked musicians that move around better than those who stand still. On another quick note about the live, I really looove Matt's voice in the end. It's so epic!What do you think? Anywhooo.....

Cage the Elephant are a great band. Out of a little town called Bowling Green in Kentucky, USA. One of the many many bands out there who deserve more credit than they actually get. I'm loving their new album. They are actually progressing in a positive direction, improving their sound as they get older. They don't sound like a lot of the new generic rock now-a-days. I'm loving a young band that brings back some 'old school' ideaolagy to their music. <3

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Song 10 - Rope by Foo Fighters

In my opinion, this might just be the best Foo album yet. The cool thing about this album is it was recorded totally old school. They made it in Dave's garage and used all this old equipment. No computers, tapes people! They continued this trend all the way through mixing, and even incorporated it into the Rope video. Yes, it's meant to be old looking they didn't just skimp on the budget, lol. Even notice how the video messes up on the bottom of the screen?

About the song: I know this tends to happen, people always fall in love with the first single. I can't help it! This song is so damn good! It's slow and melodic at points, then you find your self waiting for the CHOKE when it's screamed, then you rock out to a guitar solo. Just a great song that you can have such fun listening to. Check out the rest of the album, cuz the whole thing's pretty great. :)

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Song 9 - Suffragette City by David Bowie

Such a random song, not really like much else on the list. But screw it, I feel like it, so I'm posting this song. It's an oldie but such a goodie. ;) Puts you in a good mood like the sun shining through the window. So just chill, crank the song, and have some good times.


Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Song 8 - Do it the Right Way by Lastdime

GREAT SONG! This band is amazing! If you haven't heard of them yet check them out. Indie band from Brazil, I think they might finally be grunge coming back to life. Thank the Lord. I really hope these guys make it big, their music is great and they seem like nice guys (from the messages I've got from them).

This is my favourite song of their's. It's hot, steamy, gritty, and underground (for now). All the pieces of the puzzle fit. Gutiar, drums, bass, and those really unique vocals! Gah, they got me going gaga over them. There's sooo much I can say about this song, I don't even know where to start. Personally, I think the song is about what it takes to make it in the music industry and what entertainment has turned into now-a-days. Not quiet sure though, since the lyrics are a little confusing. Not saying that as a bad thing though. A lot of the best songs have super confusing lyrics. Plus you have to give them credit, I believe english is not their first language.

So, please check these guys out and check out the blog tom.
As usual, comments would be appreciated. Thanks. :)

Monday, 25 April 2011

Song 7 - Bad Medicine by Die Mannequin

The less famous bad medicine, in my opinion it's just as good, if not better (in comparison to the Bon Jovi bad medicine, LOL). This is by the Canadian punk band Die Mannequin. I'm still surprised at how few people know of this band. They're so awesome and totally underrated. Then again a lot of the best bands are underrated. Which really sucks....anyways.

I find there's so many female singers out there, who I simply don't like. Not to be sexist, I am a girl afterall, but there are so many more male singers with good voices. Thankfully to go against the trend we have Care Failure. (Some other good female singers inlude Adele [already on the list] and Amy Lee.) Her voice rocks and adds so much of the necisarry attitude to this song and band. Not to say the other members aren't talented, but I just really need to give a rocking girl credit when she comes along! So listen to some bad medicine and have a great day.

Until tom,

(Please comment :D )

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Song 6 - Burden in My Hand by Soundgarden

Happy Easter! Celebrate with some Soundgarden! Considered by some to be the fathers of 'grunge'. At the least they are the ones that started getting the sound out there. Now-a-days though, there's some great Soundgarden news. There's a reunion happening! You know what that means? Reunion tour! So you should check and see if they're playing anywhere near you.

About the song, I love this song. Somehow this song gets me in a good mood, pretty much every time I listen to it, despite what the lyrics are about. I think it's the guitar that does the trick. (Does it get you in a good mood? Comment and tell me.) A couple Soundgarden songs do that actually, ex. Spoon Man. Well, please comment about whatever you want. :)

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Song 5 - Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People

Such a great chill rock song. I find the first few times you listen to it you just listen to the music -that great bass line, the drum beat, and the sound of the lead singer's voice- and don't really pay attention to the lyrics. Well, pay attention to the lyrics! The song is about a homicidal kid! What?! How do you get such a chill easy going song when talking about such a thing? (I dunno!) It's amazing!

Seriously, this is one of the catchiest songs out there. (I sound a bit like a broken record, eh?) This song will literally get stuck in your head for hours. But thats OK because it's an awesome-sauce song. Personally though, I suggest only the album version. It sounds terrible live. Usually, I hate when a band sounds great on the album and suck live, but hey for this song I make an exception.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Song 4 - Rolling in the Deep by Adele

I love this song by Adele. Her voice is so amazing that this song can cross musical genres and still be adored by many. I meant that! It's so smooth, dreamy, and beautiful. One of my favourite female voices. Not much to say about this one -sorry I'm tired- but I'll finish it off with one final thought. She's so good that both my younger pop (Katy Perry, Ke$ha, Justin Beiber etc.) loving sister & I love this song! Talented much?

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Song 3 - One More Astronaut by I Mother Earth

First Canadian band on the list! Sadly, the band is no longer together but they were great while they lasted! The band broke up in a 2 step process. 1. Edwin (the lead singer) left the band, apparently he had no voice in the band. 2, Their 2nd label kicked them off because their latest album had been too 'heavy' for radio air play. Anyways....more about the song!

Well first off how can you go wrong with a 90s alternative Canadian band? I mean c'mon, with that fromula you've got a 99.9 % chance of being amazing. And it worked! I love this song it's so catchy and the lyrics are both deep and funny. Ex. "Thinking round the clock of drinking on the job. Never having sex and growing old...." I mean I hear (for you read I guess) and I can't help but see the humor in that.

Well, I've heard rumors of an IME reunion. I know you can't always believe rumors butttt sometimes they're true. Hopefully this ones true. *Cross my fingers.*

thoughts, comments, ideas, suggestions, whatever bellow would be appreciated. :)

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Song 2 - Open Wounds by Skillet

Hello :) Update #2. I was wondering what song to put up as number 2. There's so many great songs to choose from. Then, literally, a few minutes ago I came across this song. Open Wounds by Skillet. It must've been a sign or something because I can't get this song out of my head. As noted from a comment I read on my last post, I'll take a little more about the song this time.

Soooo the band skillet is a christian band, not what you guessed from this song, eh? I believe this song is about the lead singer, John's father. (There is however a newer song of their's in which John forgives his father.) I mean an emotion in itself isn't evil or bad. It's what you do when you feel that emotion that's evil or bad. Turning into an amazing song isn't bad. Right? This isn't their most popular song but I think it's filled with a little extra emotion compared to their others. It just so open and raw!

This is a song where if you ever feel like your stuck in a love/hate relationship this is great  to listen to. It's so relatable to your feelings. Honestly it's great if your just plain pissed at some one. Screw! It's a great listen any time!!!!

Anyways...comments would be appreciated. :) Till tom,

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Song 1 - Crawling by Linkin Park

Sooo, this is my first post. Thank you so much for any one reading this. This song is Crawling by Linkin Park. I had to start with this because Linkin Park is my favourite band of all time! I know this is one of their older songs, but after some consideration I decided it's my favourite. Actually, I love their new album (don't get me wrong) but I have to say I think Hybrid Theory will lways be my favourite album. What's really cool is I got to meet the guys of Linkin Park back in February, and they were the nicest guys! Anyways, hope you enjoy! Please leave your thoughts, opinions, ideas, and whatever bellow! Thanks!