The less famous bad medicine, in my opinion it's just as good, if not better (in comparison to the Bon Jovi bad medicine, LOL). This is by the Canadian punk band Die Mannequin. I'm still surprised at how few people know of this band. They're so awesome and totally underrated. Then again a lot of the best bands are underrated. Which really sucks....anyways.
I find there's so many female singers out there, who I simply don't like. Not to be sexist, I am a girl afterall, but there are so many more male singers with good voices. Thankfully to go against the trend we have Care Failure. (Some other good female singers inlude Adele [already on the list] and Amy Lee.) Her voice rocks and adds so much of the necisarry attitude to this song and band. Not to say the other members aren't talented, but I just really need to give a rocking girl credit when she comes along! So listen to some bad medicine and have a great day.
Until tom,
(Please comment :D )
amazing choice you punk person :o you rock!
ReplyDeleteEvillll bon jovi o.o evillllllll i like zees vone bettar zen zee bon jovi ... even though that may come as a surprise :o