Friday, 20 May 2011

Song 31 - Superman's Dead by Our Lady Peace

I don't really like the video though, the singer kinda creeps me out in it. It's a great song, nonetheless.

I used to be a much bigger OLP fan than I am now, however this song has stuck with me. It doesn't seem to stop rocking. More great Canadian, alternative, 90s stuff = yay! :)

I don't really get half the lyrics. Ex "Doesn't anybody know that the world's a subway?" but the other half (which I do understand) cinveys an interesting message, which I like. Carrying on about being ordinary in everyway, going through the motions of life, until you finally creak. Just go crazy! Burst out of the phoniness and just show your true self. I mean, it can really suck being part of the crowd.

I guess everyone who pretemds to be 'normal' really has their clock ticking. We're all gonna go crazy one day, right?


1 comment:

  1. Oh yes the world is a subway ;P ?_?
    I KNOW THIS SONG THOOO :D *dance partayyyy*
    supermanns deadddd
