Saturday, 21 May 2011

Song 32 - You've Got to Hide Your Love Away by The Beetles

Who doesn't love The Beetles? I say you're crazy if you don't like atleast 1 song of theirs. I know I could've put up much more popular songs like Hey Jude. I really felt like putting this one up though. It's not even my favourite Beatles song, though it is high on the list.

See I heard Eddie Vedder doing a cover of this song in the movie I am Sam, while watching it in religion class. I thought it was a really cool song. While Eddie did a pretty good cover I wanted to hear what the Beatles original sounded like. I have to say it's absolutley freaking fantastic. Blew Eddie away.

Not only are John's lyrics and voice amazing, but for me the music (instruments) are really the high light of this song for the most part. I can't find the right words to explain it -total blog fail- sorry. ...Tamborine is really epic.

My favourite vocal part is when John goes "Hey you've got to hide your love away!" I live how the word hey is sort of shouted. ^^

Until tom,

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